Archive – Data that is no longer frequently accessed in primary systems and needs a long-term storage solution. Data archiving is most suitable for data that must be retained due to grant, operational or regulatory requirements.
Backup – A storage location used for recovery in case your original data is lost or corrupted.
Collaborate with colleagues – These storage solutions are great for data that is used frequently by many collaborators.
Store data for my projects – Storage locations that provide flexibility to grow with your project needs.
Share Files – Storage locations that allow data sharing.
What is the classification of your data?
What is the classification of your data?
Public Data – Public Data is Institutional Data that have become generally available to the public because a person with authority to do so has intentionally released or distributed them without restriction or limitation.
Private Data - Private Data is Institutional Data that is shared internally within the University for business or academic purposes, but is not to be shared outside the University except as negotiated via controlled and explicit contractual agreements.
Confidential Data means:
Institutional Data that could, by itself or in combination with other such Data, be used for identity theft or related crimes.
Institutional Data whose public disclosure is restricted by law, contract, University policy, professional code, or practice within the applicable unit, discipline, or profession.
Records of the University’s security measures.
Institutional Data whose value would be lost or reduced by unauthorized disclosure or by disclosure in advance of the time prescribed for its authorized public release, or whose unauthorized disclosure would otherwise adversely affect the University financially.
How are you expecting to access the data?
How are you expecting to access the data?
Do you have special performance needs?
Do you have special performance needs?
How much data do you expect to store?
How much data do you expect to store?
Options: Less than 1 terrabyte Between 1 and 5 terrabytes Greater than 5 terrabytes
With whom do you need to share your data regularly?
With whom do you need to share your data regularly?
Options: Users in and out of the University community Only those with a University ID I need to share my data internationally.
Do you need backups, snapshots or replication of your data?
Do you need backups, snapshots or replication of your data?
I need backup that I can recover files myself.
Still not sure what you need?
Still not sure what you need?
Schedule a consultation with a Research IT team member.